Traveler | Doer

I tend to run around the World, but also tend to make things along the way.

This is an archive of photos & projects 2011 – 2020

Asia | Interview

While exploring a chunk of Asian countries, I asked those I became close with the first thing that came to mind when thinking about the USA.

Afterward, I took their portrait on a Mamiya 645 1000s.

The film stayed in my backpack for 7 months, and when processed, yielded a very interesting look.

Story + Dance

This was a concept I came up with while traveling Europe.

When I was back stateside, I would pitch the idea to a dancer locally.

Idea was to have them share an important story from their life and then have another dancer improv to it.

I then visited Chicago to have friend and violinist, Jon Lee, improv to the final result. Improv!

Flow | Monsoon Collective

Tucson Art Queen, Violet Kasser, opened up a DIY space Downtown and allowed residents to fill empty rooms with creativity.

Fellow artist, Belle Diamond and I, came up with the “Flow” concept.

A way to visualize the beautiful state of mind.

She did the artwork and I created a video that would be looped during open hours.


Autotelic – European Union, a project that was first video-interview-based,

but after being mugged in Brussels early on became a 35mm diary of my travels.

Like Asia, I mostly only released the shutter in moments of intimacy and joy.

Assorted Film / Digital